Shares trading commences in the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)
ALUMIL MILONAS administration announces that subsidiary ALUMIL ROM INDUSTRY S.A. shares start trading in the BSE next Monday, April 16th. In particular, 31,250,000 ordinary, nominative shares, with initial trading price 4.6 RON (approximately euro 1.37), will be trading in "Tier 2-Equity Securities" of BSE. The share symbol is "ALU" in the BSE, while the ISIN code is "ROALUMACNOR8".
It is an important date for the company and the Group. A press release will take place the morning before the trading, with participants of the Romanian Capital Market.
Another important presentation will take place at the Association of Greek Institutional Investors in Athens, on Wednesday, April 18th, and a series of presentations internationally.