Shareholder's update for the 11months of 2024 Group sales performance

November trading supported and confirmed October's solid performance.

However, the international and domestic economic environment became more complex, embedded with challenges and uncertainties.

  • Cycling long and devastating military conflicts, political instability in France and Germany, which has a direct impact on the cost of money and exchange rates, the political developments in the United States, and the increased possibility of trade tariffs, are headwinds which are almost impossible to quantify. In addition, extreme weather conditions, occurring periodically and fierce-fully in various regions, complicate the daily business of retailers.

In this context, the positive market signals in November and October support management's decision to maintain its estimate: 4% sales growth target for 2024 is achievable.

  • In November, Jumbo Group recorded an increase in sales of approximately +7% compared to the same month last year.
  • This performance has maintained the Group's 11-month (January-November) sales growth rate at c. +7% y-o-y.

The management of Jumbo Group is committed to providing accurate and timely information to its shareholders - partners. The Group's management anxiously awaits the trading evolution during the festive month of December in order to assess the overall performance of the current financial year.

Due to the current complicated environment, the Group's management refrains from publishing its budget/guidance for next year. The publication of such budget/guidance will be more credible after the lapsing of the first four months of 2025 when hopefully the above-mentioned factors will be more interpretable.


Sales performance by country:



In November 2024, the net sales of the parent company - excluding intragroup sales – increased by c. 6% y-o-y.

Overall, for the 11 months of 2024 the net sales of the parent company - excluding intragroup sales – increased by c. 7% y-o-y.



The network's sales increased by c. 11% y-o-y in November 2024. It should be noted that at the end of October, the new privately owned hyper-store in Nicosia became operational.

Overall, for the 11 months of 2024 the network's sales increased by c. 2% y-o-y.



The network's sales increased by c. 10% y-o-y in November 2024. Overall, for the 11 months of 2024 the network's sales increased by c. 8% y-o-y.



The network's sales (including the on-line store www.e-jumbo.ro ) increased by c. 6% y-o-y in November 2024. At the end of October, the new privately owned hyper-store at the center of Bucharest became operational.

Overall, for the 11 months of 2024 the network's sales increased by c. 10% y-o-y.