Share restructure in MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A.

Following the decisions taken by the Annual General Assemblies of the parent and subsidiary companies, the share restructure of Mytilineos Group has been realized.

More specifically, in the process of gathering all subsidiaries dealing with the production and supply of electricity, MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A. acquired all participations of subsidiary METKA S.A. in non-stock market companies which produce thermal and wind power.

The acquisition of the above participations was judged necessary in order to gather all share percentage under MYTILINEOS S.A. This will allow for a unified stragegy of development, synergies, stretegic participation investements, and economies of scale.

Moreover, METKA S.A. acquired from MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A. a 83.50% of the non-stock market company ELEMKA S.A. which undertakes highly specialized projects (bridge bearings, contraction-expansion joints, seismic insulation seats, sound hops and applications for the safety of high slopes in speedways, etc.), thus gathering all activities in the energy project sector and other specialized constructions.

Finally, and after informing the Ministry of National Economy, METKA's 12.94% in the GREEK VEHICLE COMPANY (ELVO S.A.) was transferred to MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A.

For additional information please contact:
Mr. Nikolaos Kontos
Investor Relations Department
Tel. 210 6877395