The shares of the company "FOODLINK S.A." (GRS510003015) are traded on the Alternative Market of ATHEX ex-rights in terms of 3 new (CR) shares for every 7 old (CR) shares held - with issue of 10,005,765 new CR shares - at an issue price of €0.10 per share. The rights' trading period is set from August 30, 2023, to September 7, 2023 (included). The rights' subscription period is set from August 30, 2023, to September 12, 2023 (included). It is clarified, according to article 2.6.3. of the ATHEX Rulebook and to decisions No 22 & 26 of the ATHEX BoD, as in effect, that the fluctuation price limits of the share price only for the trading session of August 25, 2023, are set as follows: +30% at the closing share price of the ATHEX last trading session (24/08/2023): €0.4000 and -30% at the adjusted start share price: €0.3100.