There are no corporate actions - cash distributions scheduled for 09/08/2023.



Notice: As of August 9, 2023, until August 23, 2023 (included), is the period set for subscription for the excercise of the right to aquire the warrants issued by "ATTICA BANK S.A." (GRR000000085) by the shareholders of the bank, according to their proportionate participation in the share capital of the Bank on the date of the Annual General Meeting of 06/07/2023, based on the 45,033,921 rights (TATTR) of the bank's shareholders, which correspond to the -equal in number- listed on ATHEX shares of ATTICA BANK. The terms are each existing common share corresponds (after a rounding procedure) to a right to acquire 0.11 warrants. The ISIN Code of the rights is GRX001000025, while this right will not be admitted to trading on ATHEX.