HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings Societe Anonyme

Results of Exploration Well A1-NC210, Libya

Hellenic Petroleum S.A. reports that the A1-NC210 exploration well being drilled by Woodside Energy (N.A.) Ltd., in NC210 in Libya's Murzuq Basin has reached a total depth of 1042 metres. The OD&E Rig 25 is drilling the well, which is located approximately 1000 km south of Tripoli and 150 km south of the producing Al Wafa Gas Field. Wireline Log data indicates that the well had encountered seven separate hydrocarbon bearing zones. A production test of the deepest zone confirmed the presence of a gas column and flowed 5,5 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd) through a 52/64 inch choke. The Absolute Open Flow is calculated to be 19,9 MMscfd. Woodside Energy (N.A.) Ltd. is drilling the well as Contractor under an Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement with the National Oil Corporation of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Interests in the Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement and the associated joint venture are:
Woodside Energy (N.A.) Ltd: 45% (operator)
Repsol Exploracion Murzuq, S.A.:35%
Hellenic Petroleum S.A.: 20%