Athens, April 29th 2015
EYDAP S.A. informs the investment community that, its Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held on Wednesday 29th of April 2015, at 11.00 a.m. at the CompanyΆs headquarters at Galatsi.
Present at the Company's General Meeting were 125 Shareholders, representing a total of 82.365.491 shares i.e. 77.34% of the Company's paid up share capital, and adopted the following resolutions:
1. Approved the Board of Directors' Report, the Independent Auditors' Report and the annual financial statements for the fiscal year 2014.
2. Approved the exemption of the members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any liability for the fiscal year 2014.
3. Approved a dividend distribution of 0.20 euro per share gross, i.e. 0.18 euro per share net, after 10% withholding tax (0.02 euro per share) pursuant to Law 4110/2013. The total dividend amount that will be distributed to the shareholders comes up to 21.300.000 euro. Beneficiaries of the dividend are shareholders registered in the Company's records in the Dematerialized Securities System on May 6th 2015 (record date). Ex-dividend date is therefore defined as May 5th, 2015. Payment of dividend will commence on May 12th, 2015 according to the procedure defined by the Regulation of the Athens Exchange.
4. Approved the Chairman's and CEO's remuneration paid for the year 2014, accountably for the period starting from 1.1.2015 until 30.4.2015 and approved in advance the relevant remunerations for the period starting from 1.5.2015 to 30.06.2016.
5. Approved the remunerations paid and compensations for the BoD members, the Secretary of the BoD and the Members of the Audit Committee for the financial year 2014, accountably for the period starting from 1.1.2015 until 30.4.2015 and approved in advance the relevant remunerations and compensations for the period starting from 1.5.2015 to 30.06.2016.
6. Selected the audit firm SOL S.A. and elected the ordinary auditors, Mr. Vasileios Papageorgopoulos Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 11681) and Mr. Efstratios Paparidis, Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 14351) and the deputy Auditors Mr. Georgios Kyrbizakis, Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 16181) and Mrs Eleni Karagouni Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 24111) and approved their remuneration (67.000 euro plus VAT) for auditing the annual financial statements for 2015, for the Review of Interim Condensed Financial Statements and for granting the Tax Certificate of fiscal year 2015.
Regarding the issues 3, 4 and 5 of the agenda i.e.-Election up to nine (9) Members of the BoD by the majority shareholder, the Greek State, Election of Independent Member of the BoD for the participation in the Audit Committee, according to article 37 of L.3693/2008, Designation of the Audit Committee, according to article 37 of L.3693/2008- the majority Shareholder-the Greek State submitted, according to the article 39 paragraph 3 of L. 2190/1920 as in force, the request for the postponement of their discussion for the 13th of May 2015, at 11.00 am at the CompanyΆs headquarters at 156 Oropou str, Galatsi.
It is noted that pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 39 of Law 2190/1920 as in force, after postponement, the General Meeting is a continuation of the previous, a repetition of the formalities of the Shareholders invitationΆs publication is not required, new shareholders can be involved, with compliance to the Articles 27 paragraph 2, 28 and 28a.