Resolutions Ordinary General Meeting
The Company announces that during its shareholders Ordinary General Meeting held on 15.6.2006 with the presentation of four (4) shareholders, who represented 7.757.376 stocs of the total amount of 10.080.000 stocs, with the quota of 76,95809524%,all the following resolutions were taken with the quorum of 76,95809524%:
1) Approval of the annual financial statements for the sixth financial year (1.1.2005 to 31.12.2005), along with the Board of Directors' and auditors reports.
2) Approval of the allocation of available earnings, as proposed by the company's Board of Directors and featured in the published Balance Sheet as of 31.12.2005 and of a 0.20 Euro dividend per share. The ex-dividend date was set for 21.7.2006 and the dividend payment will be made as from 31.7.2006. The dividend beneficiaries are the company's shareholders upon the July 20, 2006 close of business at the Athens Stock Exchange. As from Friday 21 July 2006, the company's share will be negotiated at the Athens Stock Exchange without right to dividend for 2005. Shareholders may receive their dividend from any branch of EFG EUROBANK Ergasias starting Monday 31 July 2006, upon presenting their official identity card. The dividend of shareholders who have designated EFG EUROBANK Ergasias as their account operator at the Dematerialised Securities System (SAT) will be credited to their accounts on Monday 31 July 2006.
3) Approval of the release of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Auditors from any liability for the activities of the management period from 1.1.2005 to 31.12.2005
4) Assignment of the audit of the seventh financial year (1.1.2006 - 31.12.2006) to the auditing company B.K.R. Protypos Elegtiki S.A.
5) Approval of the members of the Board of Directors remuneration for the year 2005 up until now, and pre-approval of the remunerations-compensations to be paid the next financial year.
6) Approval of the company's promotion and sponsorship expenses for the financial year 2005.
Ιt also announces the resignation of Mr Koutitas as the Cermain of the Board of Directors, in order to accept the position of Vice President of the International University of Thessaloniki.