Resolutions General Meeting

We hereby inform you that on the 30.6.2006 the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of ?Lampsa Hellenic Hotels S.A. ? took place with the presence of 21 shareholders of total shares 14.240.219 (a quorum of 66,66%) and decided with a majority of (100%) of the present shareholders on the following items of the agenda:
α) The AGM approved the annual financial statements of the financial year 1.1.2005 to 31.12.2005, together with the reports of the Board of Directors and the auditors (including the distribution of dividends of 0,05 Euros per share).The shareholders up to the ending of the session of the Athens Stock Exchange of the 5.7.2006 will be entitled to receive the dividend. On the 6.7.2006 the shares will be listed without the right to receive dividend for the financial year 2005. The procedure for the payment of the dividend of 0,05 Euros per share will start on the 14.7.2006 through Alpha Bank.
b) The AGM released the members of the Board of Directors as well as the auditors from any responsibility on the annual financial statements and the management of the hereinabove financial year (we note that 751.825 shares did not participate in the voting, since the Chairman of the Board and the Managing Director were their representatives, according to article 35 par. 2 of C.L.2190/1920),
c) The AGM approved a total amount of 20.434,85 Euros as fees for the Board of Directors for the financial year of 2005
d) The AGM elected as auditors the accounting firm Grand Thornton
e) The AGM decided the increase of share capital by capitalization of the reserve for the readjustment of the value of real estate for the amount of 427.280 Euros, by increasing the nominal value of the share by 0,02 Euros (from 1,10). Thus the nominal value of the shares will amount to 1,12 Euros and the total share capital will amount to 23.927.680 Euros (21.364.000 shares x 1,12 Euros).
f) On the item of the agenda various announcements, a updating on the course of the business of the Hotel was presented.