Resolutions General Meeting
Today, the 22nd day of June 2006, the Shareholders of the company GEK S.A. held the Ordinary General Assembly, in which 50 Shareholders of 37.427.797 shares and voting rights, thus a percentage 57,17 % of the share capital, participated. The General Assembly of the Shareholders with the above mentioned quorum of 57,17% unanimously made the following decisions: They approved in whole the Financial Statements (Company and Consolidated) for the financial year 2005, as these statements were published in the Press on 31/3/2006 and were analytically presented in the Annual Report, which was distributed to the Shareholders present in the Assembly. Also, the General Assembly approved dividend of Euro 0.12 per share that will be distributed to the Shareholders, holders of shares at the closing of trading on 23rd June 2006. More specifically, the General Assembly decided that the distribution of dividends will be conducted by PIRAEUS BANK and set as date of commencement of distribution Monday July 3rd 2006. After the approval of the Financial Statements the General Assembly, by nominal vote, discharged the Members of the Board of Directors and the Auditor Mr. Theodoropoulos from every liability or compensation deriving from the exercise of their duties for the financial year 2005. Further on, the General Assembly unanimously elected from the members of the company "SOL S.A. CHARTERED AUDITORS" Mr. Vassilios Papageorgakopoulos as Regular Certified Auditor for the financial year 2006 and Mr. Dimitrios Stavrou as Deputy, arranging as fee the one set forth by the company "SOL S.A. CHARTERED AUDITORS" which applies to all of its members. The General Assembly gave its permission and approval for the participation of Members of the Board of Directors and Executives of the Company in the management of other companies, which are in any way connected with the Company. After that, the Management of the Company informed the Shareholders being present about the progress in BOT projects. Reference was also made to activities in the Real Estate field in Greece and abroad and it was stressed out that the development and enrichment of the Company's portfolio continues during the current year, aiming at the improvement of the direct profitability and at securing important added value for the coming years. More specifically, the portfolio of real estate in Bulgaria increased through the acquisition of new plots and at the same time significant progress was made which led to the issuance of the necessary permits for the development of 2 of the existing plots, thanks to which the construction works will soon begin. Apart from our notable presence in Bulgaria, procedures have also started for entering the markets in Russia, where a subsidiary is being established, in Ukraine as well as in Serbia.