Resolutions of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting

In accordance with article of the Athens Exchange Regulation, the company under the corporate name “TRASTOR Real Estate Investment Company S.A.” announces the following:

TRASTORs Annual Ordinary General Meeting held on April 23rd 2014, was attended by 17 shareholders, representing 42.326.978 shares out of a total of 54.888.240, namely 77,11 %, unanimously resolved upon the items on the agenda, as it was stated on the invitation dated 28.3.2014, as follows:


Item 1st & 2nd: The approval of the reformed Financial Statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2012 (01.01.2012 up to 31.12.2012), due to reclassification of the application of the amended IAS19


The approval of the Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the relevant Reports of the Board of Directors and the Chartered Auditor and the Investments Statement under article 25 of law 2778/1999, for the fiscal year 2013 (01.01.2013 up to 31.12.2013), as well as the distribution of a dividend of an aggregate amount of € 4,939,942.00, hence € 0.09 per share.


As of Friday, April 25th 2014 the share will be traded on the ATHEX ex-dividend for the fiscal year 2013 (ex-dividend date). The shareholders entitled to receive dividend are the ones registered with the company's shareholders' registry on 29.4.2014 (record date). The payment of the dividend will commence on Monday 5.5.2014, in accordance with article 5.2 of the Athens Exchange Regulation and the specific provisions of the D.S.S. Regulation in one of the following ways:


- through the paying bank, Piraeus Bank

- in case the Dematerialised Securities System Operator is another Bank or a Brokerage Firm, the latter will collect the respective amount of dividend on behalf of the shareholder

- if the shareholder has requested an exemption from the Operator or the Hellenic Exchanges Societe Anonyme by filing a relevant application at least five business days prior to the dividend payment date, the shareholder will be entitled to collect the dividend in person through the Piraeus Bank branches, by producing his identity card, Tax Registration Number and (optionally) a copy of his data on the Dematerialised Securities System.


Item 3rd : The discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Chartered Auditor from any indemnity liability for the fiscal year 2013 (01.01.2013 – 31.12.2013).


Item 4th: The election of the audit company PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS for the ordinary audit of the company for the fiscal year 2014 and the granting of an authorization to the Board of Directors in order to determine their fee in accordance with the legislation in force.


Item 5th: The election of DANOS Company as independent appraiser, in order to assess the value of the Company's investments for the fiscal year 2014.


Item 6th: The approval of the fees and compensations paid to the members of the Board of Directors during the fiscal year 2013 and the pre-approval of the fees and compensations of the members of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2014.


Item 7th: The granting of a permission, under article 23 of codified law 2190/1920, to the Company's Board of Directors members and managers with respect to their participation in the Board of Directors and/or management of other companies.


Item 8th: The approval of the contracts between the Company and persons under Article 23a paragraph 5 of codified law 2190/1920.


Item 9th: The approval of the amendment art. 19, par. 2 of the Articles of Association, regarding the term of the Board of Directors, from five (5) years to four (4) years tenure.


Item 10th: Update on the cancellation of the purchase of Elefsina and Kosmopolis real estate


Item 11th: The election of new board members due to expiration term. The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting recommends the election of a new Board of Directors, proposing the election of nine (9) members, which is within the limits of art.19 par. 1 of the Articles of Association. Then, the Chairman states the obligation of the General Meeting to elect at least two (2) independent, non-executive members pursuant to Art.4, par.1 of L.3016/2002, as applicable corporate governance. The BoD proposed to manage the Company, consists of the following members:


Dimitris Georgakopoulos

Sotiris Theodoridis

Konstantinos Chrysikos

Konstantinos Markazos

George Konstantakopoulos

Christos Vakis

Konstantinos Vamvakopoulos, Independent Non Executive Member

Dimitrios Goumas, Independent Non Executive Member

Maria Anastassiou


The mandate of the BoD, in accordance with art.19, par.2 of the Company's Articles of Association, as amended by this General Meeting is now four years, that lasts until 23/4/2018 and extended until the year 2019 General Meeting, which will approve the annual financial statements of the fiscal year 2018 (the latest by 30/6/2019)    


Item 12th: The ratification of the election of new members of the BoD


Last, questions were answered and the investment strategy of the company was presented to the shareholders for the year 2014.