Reincorporation of Board of Directors

In accordance with L. 3340/2005, as well as decision number 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, TRASTOR REIC announces that following the resignation of Mr. Sotiris Theodoridis from the position of Managing Director, at the meeting of BoD held on 22.1.2015, the executive member of the board Mr. Konstantinos Markazos was appointed Vice President and Managing Director


The Company's Board of Directors was reincorporated as follows:


Sotirios Theodoridis, President of the Board of Directors, Non-Executive Member

Konstantinos Markazos, Vice-president of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Executive Member

Dimitris Georgakopoulos, Non-Executive Member

Konstantinos Chrysikos, Executive Member

George Konstantakopoulos, Executive Member

Christos Vakis, Non-Executive Member

Konstantinos Vamvakopoulos, Independent Non-Executive Member

Dimitrios Gkoumas, Independent Non-Executive Member

Maria Anastassiou, Executive Member