Reconstitution of the Board of Directors (CORRECTION)

Reconstitution of the Board of Directors and Committees


TERNA ENERGY S.A. informs the investors that due to the change of control, following the acquisition of 70% of TERNA ENERGY, the Company on the 28th of November 2024 proceeded to reconstitution of its Board of Directors.


Initially the members of the Board of Directors Messrs. George Spyrou - Executive Member, Aristotelis Spiliotis - Executive Member, Michael Gourzis - Non-Executive Member, Nikolaos Voutichtis - Non-Executive Member and Andreas Taprantzis - Independent Non-Executive Member submitted their resignations from the Company's Board of Directors with their resignation letter dated 27.11.2024. Then the Board of Directors of TERNA ENERGY S.A. reconstituted as follows:

  1. Georgios Peristeris, Chairman, Executive Member

  2. Emmanouil Maragoudakis, CEO, Executive Member

  3. Georgios Mergos, Vice-Chairman of the BoD, independent Non-Executive Member

  4. Marina Sarkissian Ochanesoglou, Independent Non-Executive Member

  5. Tatiana Karapanagioti, Independent Non-Executive Member

  6. Abdulaziz Mohamed Abdulla Alobaidli AlHammadi, Non-Executive Member

  7. Mohammed Mazin Khan, Non-Executive Member

  8. Nikolas Meitanis, Non-Executive Member                                                             

  9. Faisal Tahir Bhatti, Non-Executive Member

10. Ahmed Abdelrahim Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi, Non-Executive Member


The term of office of the above Board of Directors expires on 23.06.2026, which may be extended until the first Annual General Meeting after the expiration of its term of office.

Subsequently, the Board of Directors replaced the resigned members to the Company's Committees as follows:



1. Georgios Mergos, Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Board Member of the BoD 

2. Nikolaos Kalamaras, Independent, Non-Member of the BoD                                

3. Tatiana Karapanagioti, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD


NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE                                                                                                  

1. Marina Sarkissian-Ochanesoglou, Chairperson, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD   

2. Tatiana Karapanagioti, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD        

3. Ahmed Abdelrahim Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD   



1. Georgios Mergos, Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD              

2. Marina Sarkissian-Ochanesoglou, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD     

3. Ahmed Abdelrahim Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD   



1.Marina Sarkissian-Ochanesoglou, Chairperson, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD          

2.Ahmed Abdelrahim Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD   

3.Nikolas Meitanis, Non-Executive Member of the BoD                                             

4.Tatiana Karapanagioti, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD        



1. Faisal Tahir Bhatti, Chairman, Non-Executive Member of the BoD                     

2.Abdulaziz Mohamed Abdulla Alobaidli AlHammadi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD 

3. Emmanouil Maragoudakis, Executive Member of the BoD                                                                 

4. Ahmed Abdelrahim Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD



1.Nikolas Meitanis, Chairman, Non-Executive Member of the BoD                        

2. Abdulaziz Mohamed Abdulla Alobaidli AlHammadi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD

3. Emmanouil Maragoudakis, Executive Member of the BoD                                      

4. Faisal Tahir Bhatti, Non-Executive Member of the BoD                                           

5. Mohammed Mazin Khan, Non-Executive Member of the BoD



1. Abdulaziz Mohamed Abdulla Alobaidli AlHammadi, Chairman, Non-Executive Member of the BoD

2. Ahmed Abdelrahim Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi, Non-Executive Member of the BoD

3. Emmanouil Maragoudakis, Executive Member of the BoD