Reconstitution of the Board of Directors

Piraeus Port Authority SA announces that the President of HRADF Konstantinos Maniatopoulos with his letter to the Chairman and Managing Director of PPA SA Mr. Yiorgos Anomeritis appointed in replacement of Mrs Elsa Argyropoulou, who had resigned from BoD member for personal reasons, also the coming of the HRADF project manager Mr Athanasios Liagos.


The placement will be submitted for approval at the next General Meeting of the CompanyΆ Shareholders.

Following the above, the BoD was reconstituted as follows:


1.  Anomeritis Yiorgos , representative of shareholders, BoD President & CEO, executive member, Economist.

2. Petroulis Panayiotis, representative of shareholders, Deputy CEO, executive member, Business Consultant.
3. Papadopoulos Yiorgos, representative of shareholders, independent non-executive member, Jurist-Economist.
4. Papaelias Nicolaos, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Lawyer.

5. Zissimopoulos Aggelos, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Economist.

6. Nakis Nicolaos, representative of shareholders, independent non-executive member, Lawyer.

7. Tsiridis Yiorgos, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Mechanical Engineer.
8. Georgiou Vasilios, representing the shareholders, non-executive member, Physicist.
9. Moustaki Eirini, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Political Scientist.

10. Liagos Athanossios, representative of shareholders, non-executive member. Economist.
11. Georgakopoulos Georgios, representative of employees, non-executive member, Economist.
12. Georgiou Nicolaos, representative of dockworkers, non-executive member.
13. Michaloliakos Vasilios, representative of the municipality of Piraeus, non-executive member, Mayor of Piraeus.

The  present  BoD term expires on 14/06/2019, except for the members Georgakopoulos Georgios and Georgiou  Nicolaos, whose term expires on 06/12/2014.