Q3 Finacial results
In particular, the Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) of the company run into 3,412 millions of euros, compared to last year's 2,761 millions, presenting a growth of 23,57%. At the same time, the EBITDA (Earnings Before Interests, Taxes and Depreciations) run into 4,605 millions of euros compared to 3,731 millions for the respective last year's period , increased by 23,42%. During the examinant period, the Turnover of KRI-KRI has reached 16,310 millions of euros, versus 13,14 millions for the nine month period of 2002, increased by 24,11% The Management of KRI-KRI, underlines that this significant increase of the company's financial results, has been produced under the promotion of new ice cream and yogurt products in the market, also under the geographic expansion of it's network, as well as under the increase of it's export activity.