Purchase of own shares
MARFIN FINANCIAL GROUP HOLDINGS S.A. announces that based on the Company's Board of Directors' resolution made on 16.05.2006, it intends on acquiring up to 5.099.200 treasury shares, between 29/05/2006 and 13/04/2007 the highest price being (50) fifty Euros per share and the lowest price for the acquisition being (16) sixteen Euros per share. The aforementioned resolution of the Board of Directors was made in applying the resolution of the 13.04.2006 Regular General Shareholders Meeting, through which the Company's acquisition of treasury shares, up to 10% of the number of the shares outstanding, was approved, i.e. up to 5.099.200 shares, according to article 16 par. 5 of c.l. 2190/1920 and the Board of Directors was given authorization to proceed to every necessary action in order to follow the resolution.