Production increase of 20-25% in SOMETRA following the new investments

The metallurgical complex SOMETRA in Romania has started a gradual operation following the conclusion of the new investment cycle, which aimed to improve productivity, increase production by 20-25%, and improve the environmental terms according to the directives of the European Union ? Romania being a full member starting January 1st, 2007.
SOMETRA is the biggest metallurgy in Romania processing sulfurus ores and producing source zinc, lead, and silver. In 1998, year of acquisition of the company''s 57% by Mytilineos Group (the stake became afterwards 88%), SOMETRA employed 3,400 people and had a total metal production of 35,000 tons per year. Today, furhter to the investments that have been made since, which surpass $ 30 million, production is expected to reach 80,000 tons, while the total personnel is 1,200 people.
Mytilineos Groups foresees 2007 as a record-year for SOMETRA in turnover and profit, based on the increased production and the historical high metal prices recorded daily in the London Metal Exchange (LME). Details concerning the anticipated financial results of SOMETRA shall be given to analysts, as usual, together with those for the rest of the subsidiaries and the Group''s total consolidation.
MYTILINEOS GROUP is comprised of leading companies in the sectors of Metallurgy and Mines, Energy, Technical Constructions, and Defense Industry. It was founded in Greece in 1990, it is an Athens Stock Market company, has a consolidated turnover which surpasses ?750 million, and employs more than 4,000 employees in Greece and abroad. For additional information please visit the Group''s site: