Press Release of the ATHEX Board of Directors
The ATHEX Board of Directors, during its session on 24 November 2005, ratified that 8 of the 88 companies will not participate in the Large Capitalization category, after their relevant communication with the competent department of the Athens Exchange.
More specifically, these companies are the following:
1. Bank of Greece S.A.
2. National Investment Co. S.A.
3. Ioniki Hotel Industry S.A.
4. Piraeus Financial Leasing
5. The Greek Progress Fund S.A.
6. Crown Hellas Can
7. Hellenic Sugar Industry S.A.
8. Hellenic Investments S.A. (has already been acquired by Piraeus Bank as of 11.11.2005)
- In the Large Capitalization category, 80 companies will be traded (84 shares).
- In the Medium & Small Capitalization category, 223 companies will be traded (234 shares).
- In the Under Surveillance category, 18 companies will be traded (22 shares).
- In the Special Stock Exchange Characteristics category, 5 companies will be traded (5 shares).
(see attached table-PER SHARE)
The ATHEX Board of Directors decided that the internationally recognized sector classification FTSE Dow Jones Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) will become effective on 2.1.2006, in order listed companies to be properly informed. In addition, the ATHEX Board of Directors approved the proposal of the Classification Committee regarding the postponement of the expected review of the sector classification of the listed companies'' shares, due to the impending adoption of the ICB methodology.
ATHEX Indices
The ATHEX Board of Directors approved the proposal of the ATHEX Indices'' Advisory Committee with respect to the postponement of the review of sector indices and the Composite Index of the Athens Exchange, until the final adoption of the ICB methodology. Also, the ATHEX Board consented to the proposal regarding the temporary replacement of the Composite Index's constituents, which will be moved to the Medium & Small Capitalization category from the merger of the Composite Indices of the Main & Parallel Market. As of 28.11.2005, only the Composite Index of the Securities Market of the Athens Exchange will exist, which will be comprised of 60 shares coming from the Large Capitalization category. More specifically, in the current composition of the said Index, the following companies are added: INTRALOT S.A., FOLLI-FOLLIE S.A., JUMBO S.A., NEOCHEMIKI S.A. in replacement of the companies, NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. S.A., ELMEC SPORT S.A., LAN-NET COMMUNICATIONS S.A., C.BENROUBIS & SONS S.A.
These shares are presented in the attached table-"Composite Index".
Finally, the ATHEX BoD approved the proposal of the aforementioned committee with regard to the calculation of the High Velocity Index (HVI), according to which, when in the composition of the Index less than 13 shares are participating, their initial participation in the Index will be carried out with an equivalent weighting.
The new composition of the High Velocity Index is presented in the attached table-"HVI"
The obligations of Market Makers in the Securities Market of the Athens Exchange are summarized as follows:
Regarding the shares listed on the ATHEX by Members of the ATHEX, the Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange, by its relevant decision, modified the terms & conditions of market making.
More specifically:
- Determined as minimum time for the re-entering of a pair of orders 3 minutes (instead of the 10 minutes which are currently in force).
- Granted the possibility to Market Makers to enter marginal orders within the spread of the pair of orders, orders at the pre-trading session and at the close of the trading session.
- Designated a specific scale (according to the share''s price, with 2.5% as maximum for the price of a share >3 Euros) for the maximum deviation of spread that Market Makers are obliged to observe at the time of giving a pair of orders.
The total of the aforementioned measures, together with the simplification of the procedures for the acquisition of a market -making license on a specific share as well as the technological upgrade of the trading system, sets henceforth a simple and understandable framework of rules. These rules are expected to give a new impetus to the market making institution and to contribute considerably to the liquidity and efficient operation of the market.
See attached table
Moreover, the executive decisions that are provided for in the ATHEX Regulation have been revised and adjusted to its new provisions. Their relevant implementation will begin after their posting on the official website of the ATHEX.
It is reminded that the new ATHEX Regulation will be put into force as of Monday 28 November 2005.
Other decisions:
Furthermore, the ATHEX Board of Directors, during its session yesterday, approved :
- The listing to trading of 942,000 new common registered shares of the company "EUROCONSULTANTS S.A.", which were distributed as bonus shares to the old shareholders of the company, in terms of: 2 new common registered shares for every 10 old common registered shares. Beneficiaries of the new bonus shares will be those who will have been registered in the Shareholders'' Register of the company at the close of the ATHEX?s trading session on 29 November 2005. The trading of the new bonus shares will begin on 7 December 2005.
- The unblocking, according to Article 2, paragraph 3 (e), L.2733/99, as currently in force, of the 3,168,600 shares of the company BALLIS CHEMICALS S.A. from the shareholders Mr.Konstantinos Ballis and Mrs. Aikaterini Papapdopoulou in order to transfer them to the company LAMDA DETERGENT S.A. The aforementioned shares will remain blocked.
Finally, on its session yesterday, the ATHEX Board of Directors, was informed about:
The termination of the market making agreement on the shares of the company "COMPUCON S.A." by the company-ATHEX Member "OMEGA BANK S.A."