Press Release

Today, the 29th of June of 2006, took place in Athens, the Ordinary Annual Assembly of the shareholders of the company TECHNICAL OLYMPIC S.A. During that (with a quorum percentage of 45,96% of the share capital of the company) have been approved the financial statements of the fiscal period for the year 2005 and has been decided the distribution of dividend (of 0,02 euros per share) to the shareholders, with a with a total amount of 2.650.000 euros. Eligible the receipt of the above dividend are the shareholders of the company during the closing of the Stock Exchange's conference of the 6/30/2006. Consequently, since Monday, 3 of July of 2006, the company's shares will be traded in the Stock Exchange without the right of receipt of the above dividend. The 7/11/2006 has been set as an opening date for the payment of the dividend to the shareholders. The payment of the dividend will be realized for the whole country through the branches of the EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS. In addition, among others, the following have been decided: a) The election of a new 12membered Board of Directors of the company, with a three-year service. b) The election of the auditor company GRANT THRONTON for the needs of auditing the fiscal year 2006. The taking of decision for the subject "Delegation of power, according to the article 3a paragraph 1b of the Law 2190/1920, of the General Assembly, to the Board of Directors of the company, for the issuance of Convertible Bond Loan", because of the occurred lack of the quorum required by the law, will take place in a set Repetitive General Assembly of the shareholders, at 7/12/2006.

Financial results of the use of 2005:
The financial results and the other figures of the TECHNICAL OLYMPIC Group of companies in the fiscal period of 1/1-12/31/2005 are as follows:
- Sales Turnover: 2.102 million Euros, versus 1.866 million Euros in 2004 (an increase of 12,6%).
- Pre tax profits: 293 millions Euros, versus 155 millions Euros in 2004 (an increase of 89%), and after the deduction of the minority's interests, 145 million Euros, versus 65 million Euros in 2004 (an increase of 123%).
- Owners' equity: 1.018 million Euros, versus 711 million Euros in 2004 (an increase of 43%).
- Fixed Assets: 356 million Euros, versus 348 million of euros of 2004 (an increase of 2,3%).
- Value of Current Assets (stocks, receivables and cash equivalents): 1.812 millions of euros, than 1.400 millions of euros of 2004 (increased by 29,4%).
- Total of Liabilities: 902 million Euros, versus 765 million Euros in 2004 (increased by 18%). The above financial figures and results place the TECHNICAL OLYMPIC Group of Companies, for one more year, between the largest business groups of the country.