Press Release
ALUMIL administration announces that the preliminary report regarding the forthcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO) of subsidiary ALUMIL ROM INDUSTRY S.A. was delivered today to the Romanian Securities and Exchange Commission, namely CNVM.
The report was conducted by ALPHA FINANCE ROMANIA, Lead Manager of the IPO, a subsidiary of ALPHA BANK Group.
Following a period of approximately two weeks ? during which CNVM will audit and approve the content of the report ? a series of road shows starts, mainly in Athens and Bucharest. Through these presentations, offering price will be determined.
Accordingly, by filling the final prospectus, IPO procedures are expected to commence during November, a time frame to be postponed probably due to bureaucracy delays. ALUMIL is ranked among the largest aluminium extrusion and profiles production private European group (No 1 in Greece since 2000) establishing production sites, large sales networks and warehouses for products targeting architectural & industrial use, shipbuilding, transportation, etc. With 25 subsidiaries, 19 of which are spread throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East, ALUMIL offers production sites in four Hellenic industrial areas, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Albania. ALUMIL has successfully infiltrated into 45 markets in Europe, the Balkans, the M. East and in the U.S.A. A significant competitive advantage remains its widespread sales network in Greece and in every client-country. Parent company was founded in 1988 and since 1998 is listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. Included four times in GrowthPlus? Europe?s 500, ALUMIL?s Group sales reached euro 190 m in 2005, while EBITDA reached euro 32 m.
Alumil Information: Mr. Apostolos Papadopoulos-Almeida (IR officer), Tel. +30 2310 555405, + 30 23410 79480, Fax: +30 2310 555425, E-mail: