Press Release

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Attica S.A. meeting on June 2nd 2006, decided the following:
a. To reschedule the shareholders' Annual General Meeting for June 28th 2006, recalling its previous decision to hold the General Meeting on June 14th. The invitation to the General Meeting will be made public according to the relevant legislation currently in force.
b. To elect the CEO of the Bank, Mr. Tryphon Kollintzas, Chairman of the Bank, replacing the late Anastasios Koumplis. Mr. Kollintzas will keep his post as a CEO of the Bank. Mr. Kollintzas will at the same time have the competences reserved for the Chairman (resolutions dating 17.06.2004, Minutes of the BoD no. 937 and 20.07.2004, Minutes of the BoD no. 938) and those reserved for the CEO.