Press Release
The financial results of 2005, as well as the Company's operations, during the first months of 2006 and its prospects for the current year were presented by the Management of HALCOR,S.A., during the Annual General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders, on Thursday, June 15, at the ATHENS IMPERIAL Hotel. The General Meeting also approved the Financial Statements for 2005 and the distribution of dividend, amounting to 0,065 Euro per share, increased by 30%, compared with the previous financial year. In addition, the G.M. approved the merger of HALCOR and FITCO, through absorption of the latter by the former, as well as the issue of common debenture loans, up to the amount of Euro 125 mil. More specifically, the representatives of the Company pointed out that, in 2005, HALCOR increased its consolidated turnover up to Euro 712 mil., compared to Euro 559 mil. in 2004, showing an increase of 27%. The profits after taxes and minority rights amounted to Euro 3,5 mil. and the profits before taxes, interest and depreciation (E.B.I.T.D.A.) amounted to Euro 48 mil. The performance of the parent company in 2005 was satisfactory, showing a turnover of Euro 394,4 mil., compared to Euro 344,1 mil. of the previous year, increasing by 15%. Its profit after taxes amounted to Euro 9,5 mil., taking into account the strong competition and the unfavorable financial conditions, prevailing in 2005. After the significant investments programs for the period 2000-2004, amounting to Euro 181 mil. approx., by which the Group achieved to double its production capacity, the investments' costs are reduced, aiming at the improvement of the production cost, making the products more competitive, as well as at the introduction of new products, with higher value added. Thus, from 2000 until today the Group's investments amounted in total to Euro 200 mil. approx. In 2005 the total amount of investments was Euro 18 mil. The relative amount for the year 2006 will be at about the same level. The results of the first three months of 2006 reflect the positive evolution of the financial position of the Company and the Group HALCOR. They appear significantly increased, compared to those of the previous year. The turnover of the parent company increased by 68% and the profits with taxes by 51%. Regarding the Group, the turnover increased by 61% and the profits with taxes and minority rights by 316%. Finally, the management of the Company referred to the influence of the metals prices on the financial results. It was also mentioned that the strong demand and the increasing results will continue, in the case that the changes in the metals' prices will not be very significant.