Pursuant to the Law and the Articles of Association and following resolution of the Board of Directors, adopted during their meeting no 2630 on March 6th 2001, the Minority Shareholders of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA are hereby invited to a Special General Assembly, to be held on April 5 2001, Thursday, at 15:30 hours, at the company's Headquarters (99, Kifissias Ave.), in order to elect one representative of the Minority Shareholders at the Board of Directors, as well as one deputy representative, in accordance with articles 11 and 10, paragraph 2c of the Articles of Association of OTE.In order to participate, in person or by proxy, in the said Special Assembly, Minority Shareholders: Ύ If they have converted their OTE shares into book entry form, but the said shares are not on their Depository Account, Shareholders must obtain from their Depository Participant certification evidencing ownership of shares (which will not be tradable until conclusion of this General Assembly) and deposit such certification with the OTE Share Registration Office (1st floor, 15, Stadiou Street · Athens) at least five (5) full days prior to the appointed date and time of the General Assembly Ύ If they have converted their OTE shares into book entry form, and the said shares are on their Depository Account, Shareholders must obtain from the Central Securities Depository Office SA certification evidencing ownership of shares (which will not be tradable until conclusion of this General Assembly) and deposit such certification as well as a duly authorized proxy form, with the OTE Share Registration Office (1st floor, 15, Stadiou Street · Athens) at least five (5) full days prior to the appointed date and time of the General Assembly Ύ If they have not converted their shares into book entry form, they must deposit their share certificates with any bank in Greece or abroad, or the Consignations and Loans Fund, or OTE's Treasury (99, Kifissias Ave. · Maroussi), or OTE Share Registration Office (1st floor, 15, Stadiou Street · Athens) at least five (5) full days prior to the appointed date and time for the Ordinary General Assembly. By the same deadline, Shareholders must also have deposited their Share Depository Receipts as well as the proxy form with the OTE Share Registration Office, at 15, Stadiou Street · Athens.In conclusion, in view of facilitating the election process, Shareholders are kindly requested to deposit their candidacy or any third person's candidacy with the Secretariat prior to their entry to the Special Assembly.