The press office of the Group Albio Holdings published the following announcement: The sales of the Group Albio increased according to 25,9% during the year of 2000 reaching the amount of 35,7 billions drs versus 27,37 billions drs of the year 1999. This fact reflects the upward movement of the whole activity of the Group. At the same time, the net profits before taxes decreased according to 23,4% from 4,49 billions drs of the year 1999 to 3,49 billions drs of the year 2000 reflrcting in a high rate on one hand, the increased depreciation according to 32,5% while the extensive investment program of the Group has been integrated and reached the amount of 4,9 billions drs during the year 2000 and on the other hand, decrease of the gains from sales of participating interests and bonds which went down from 1,523 billions drs in the year 1999 to 100 millions drs in the year 2000 because of the general drop of the shares of the A.S.E. Also, the total of the functional (industrial and commercial) gross operating profit results from 7,955 billions drs in the year 1999 increased according to 9,56% and went up to 8,716 billions drs in the year 2000.The reorganization of the Group offered to its companies the capability of a more tight and effective function. So, the total of administrative expenses and distribution costs expressed as the percentage of the sales, decreased from 16,3% in the year 1999 to 14,7% in the year 2000.It should be marked that despite the strong competitive environment in which the Group functioned, the importance of the earnings before interests, taxes and depreciation (EBITDA) of the year 2000 remain at the same level with the year 1999 which means 6,36 billions drs versus 6,41billions drs respectively.