The THRACE GROUP consists of nine firms, six of them are located in Greece, one in Scotland and two in Ireland. The number of persons employed by the group during the year was 1500 The turnover for the Thrace group during the year 2000 was 44 billion drachmas.The geographical analysis for the sales is as follows: ¨13,80% in Greece ¨73,35% The remaining European Countries ¨12,85% Rest of the WorldThe products sold were produced in percentage 42,80% in Greece, 51,60% in Scotland and 5,60% in Ireland. The Earnings before Taxes were 3,7 billion drachmas.Were invested 20 billion drachmas, for investments, acquisitions and increase of Share Capital in subsidiaries firms during the years 1999-2000. 10,7 billion drachmas were income from increase of Share Capital, 2,7 billion from Bank Loans and the remaining 6,6 billion from the firms cash flow.The estimated sales for the year 2001 are 50 billion drachmas and the Earning before Taxes are 5 billion drachmas.The subsidiary firm Don & Low located in Scotland, started the operation of the new weaving mill which is one of the most recent that exists and it is lodge in a place with totally surfaces 21.000 m2.Don & Low Hellas, a new production unit for non-woven products, is planning to start its operation in the middle of the year 2001.Regarding the parent company Thrace Plastics Co the turnover for the year 2000 was 16 billion drachmas. The turnover it was disaggregated as follows: - 8,8 billion drachmas export. - 7,2 billion local market. The Earning before Taxes was 1,7 billion drachmas.