President's Announcement (Presentation of the ASE in UBS Warburg)
The President of the Athens Stock Exchange, Mr. Panayiotis Alexakis accompanied by executives of the ASE and representatives of the listed companies will make a presentation of the Greek Stock Exchange, the performance and operation of the Exchange Market, the institutional framework, as well as the investments opportunities on the ASE to international investors in London.
Specifically, the presentation will take place in the Investment House UBS WARBURG, on Friday, September 29, 2000 and will be attended by UBS executives and institutional investors based in Great Britain. The event held in London will be repeated in New York by WARBURG, next month.
Also, on Thursday, September 28, 2000, the ASE representatives in London will meet Executives of the Administration of Societe Generale.
Similar events in London and New York are scheduled to take place in October at the Investment House of CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON, whereas during the same month in London, a presentation will take place at SCHROEDER-SALOMON BROTHERS.
In November, the ASE schedules Roadshows, which will take place both in London and in New York. The purpose of all these activities abroad is the dissemination of information about the ASE to international investors and the presentation of the investment opportunities in the Greek Market especially due to the upgrading of the Greek Capital Market. Consequently, the fund managers of the developed markets abroad will gain the information about the Greek Capital Market necessary for their investments in Greece.
The promotions campaign will continue during the new year, while the ASE management has also requested from its brokerage firms-members as well as from the listed companies to further promote the Greek Capital Market for the better information of the international investors. For the listed companies, in particular, such activities are important, since the globalization of the markets and the upgrading of the Greek Market will lead the investors to make investments not on a national basis but on the basis of the sector to which a Greek company belongs, in the wider area of the European Union.