Plan of intended corporate actions

As part of the Company's obligations to inform the investing public, Eydap S.A. is releasing the plan of intended corporate actions for 2006:

March 31, 2006: Release of Fiscal Year 2005 Results.
May 12, 2006: Conference call for the analysts for Fiscal Year 2005 results.
June 30, 2006: Annual General Shareholder Meeting.
July 4, 2006: Ex-dividend Date.
July 11, 2006: Dividend payout through a bank.

The ex-dividend date will be after the expiration date of June Index Futures and Options (16/06/2006) and before the expiration date for July Index Futures and Options (21/07/2006). Details will be provided in a future press release. Eydap would like to inform the investing public that all press releases will be posted on the company's website (