Performance Technologies: Launch of Sustainability Webpage

Performance Technologies S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is pleased to announce the launch of a new, dedicated sustainability webpage, developed in collaboration with Dataphoria, a company specializing in data analytics.

Following the publication of its second Sustainability Report for the fiscal year 2023, the Company continues to invest in transparency and effective communication with investors, stakeholders, and the general public. The new Sustainability Portal, available on the Company’s website, allows users to explore the three main pillars of sustainability: Environment, Society, and Governance (ESG), along with their respective subcategories. Additionally, the portal enables the visualization of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for selected time periods, enhancing the Company’s transparency and accountability.

The development of this platform was carried out in collaboration with Dataphoria, which actively supports the Company’s ESG strategy by providing expertise in the collection, processing, and presentation of sustainability data that are critical for the operation and growth of Performance Technologies S.A.

As part of its strategy for sustainable development, the Company is implementing initiatives to improve its performance in environmental, social, and governance areas. The continuous monitoring of KPIs and the analysis of sustainability data allow for real-time progress tracking and ongoing improvement in key areas of sustainability.