Notification of changes in the composition of the Board of Directors (CORRECTION)

 Athens, January 3, 2025


GEK TERNA S.A. (the "Company") announces that the Board of Directors, during its meeting dated December 30, 2024, accepted the resignation of the Independent Non-Executive Member of the Board, Mr. Gagik Apkarian, effective as of December 31, 2024, and expressed its satisfaction and thanks for his excellent cooperation and term. Subsequently, during the same meeting dated December 30, 2024 and following the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Committee and elected Mr. Andreas Taprantzis as the new Independent Non-Executive Member of the Board, in replacement of Mr. Gagik Apkarian for the remaining period of his term, i.e. until 01.07.2025, extended until the expiry of the deadline within which the next Ordinary General Meeting must be convened.

It is noted that Mr. Apkarian at the time of his resignation does not participate in any Committee of the Board of Directors and therefore there is no change in their composition. It is also emphasized that the above replacement will be announced at the next General Meeting of the Company.

Consequently, the Board of Directors of the Company is reconstituted as follows:

1. Peristeris Georgios, Chairman and CEO, Executive Member.

2. Capralos Spyridon, Vice Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Member, Head of Independent Members.

3. Tamvakakis Apostolos, Vice Chairman, Non-Executive Member.

4. Gourzis Michail, Executive Member.

5. Lazaridou Penelope, Executive Director, Executive Member.

6. Benopoulos Angelos, Executive Director, Executive Member.

7. Souretis Petros, Executive Director, Executive Member.

8. Lamprou Konstantinos, Executive Member.

9. Moustakas Emmanouel, Executive Member.

10. Antonakos Dimitrios, Non-Executive Member.

11. Afendoulis Dimitrios, Non-Executive Member.

12. Delikoura Aikaterini, Independent, Non-Executive Member.

13. Skordas Athanassios, Independent, Non-Executive member.

14. Staikou Sofia, Independent, Non-Executive member.

15. Andreas Taprantzis, Independent, Non-Executive member.