
Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Co (EYDAP) informs investors that the Note number 8 of the Condensed Accounts concerning the period 1/1/2006 to 9/30/2006 which published at 30th November 2006, is correctly restated as on the following table (amounts in thousands Euro):
Transactions with related parties (Current Period):
A) Sales of goods and services - Group: 0,00. Company: 43,89.
B) Buys of goods and services - Group: 0,00. Company: 0,00.
C) Claims - Group: 0,00. Company: 225,62.
D) Liabilities - Group: 0,00. Company: 0,00.
E) Transactions and Payrolls of Directors and Members of the Administration - Group: 0,00. Company: 0,26.
F) Claims against Directors and Memebrs of the Adminstration - Group: 0,00. Company: 0,00.
G) Liabilities to Directors and Memebrs of the Administration - Group: 0,00. Company: 0,00.