
In accordance with article 2 of decision 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Capital Markets Commission, FRIGOGLASS S.A.I.C. announces that the new Board of Directors of the Company, which was elected by the Annual General Meeting of its shareholders on 9 June 2006, met on 13 June 2006 and was organized as a body corporate as follows:
Dimitrios Krontiras, Chairman - non-executive director.
Ioannnis Androutsopoulos, Vice-Chairman - non-executive director.
Dimitrios Lois, Managing Director - executive director.
Charalambos David, non-executive director.
Loukas Komis, non-executive director.
Christodoulos-Robert Leventis, non-executive director.
Evangelos Kalousis, non-executive director.
Alexandra Papalexopoulou, independent non-executive director.
Vassilios Fourlis, independent non-executive director.
The term of the above Board of Directors is three years and, in accordance with the Company?s Articles of Association, shall expire on the date of the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2009.