
The Company notifies the Investors that in the Summary Data and Information about the fiscal year 2005, which are published today, 31.03.2006, in the Issues of the newspapers EXPRESS and KATHIMERINI the following misprints exist: The fiscal years for which the company MONASTIRIOU TECHNIKI ANAPTIXIAKI S.A., which belongs to the Direct Subsidiaries, has not been audited by Tax Authorities, are 3 instead of 2, and the respective years of IWECO HONOS LASITHIOU KRITIS S.A., which belongs to the Subsidiaries of TERNA ENERGY, are 3 instead of 4. Moreover, the company ERON THERMOELEKTRIKI S.A., which has been correctly included in the Direct Subsidiaries and has been consolidated according to the full consolidation method based on the fact that it is 100% subsidiary of the Group (GEK S.A. 50% and TERNA S.A. 50%) is mistakenly also included in the JOINT VENTURES. The correct data has been registered in the website of our Company