
To the information of the investing public, we would like to disclose the event that during the Extraordinary General Assembly of our Company shareholders that was held on 16.5.2007, Wednesday, at 16.00, at the Company''s registered office at Num. 9 Cyprou Str. of Moschato, Attica, where there were present and represented 63 Shareholders that 34.794.425 of the total of 60.617.358 shares and votes, equal to the percentage of 57.40% of the total paid share capital of the Company, as at supported majority of 27.209.532 votes out of those present, equal to the percentage of 78.20% of the current and represented share capital, as concerning the discussion agenda, the following decision was made concerning the modification of Articles 5, B, par. 1 and 5 and Article 27 par. c, num. 5 and 8 of the Company''s Charter of Incorporation concerning its presentation as a unified text.