Nortel Networks' new IVR MPS 500 system from INTRACOM
INTRACOM, official dealer representative of Nortel Networks; Periphonics IVR products for the last 8 years in Greece and other countries, has the pleasure to announce a new Nortel Networks? self-service Media Processing Server (MPS) 500 platform (, designed to give medium-sized Call Centers and small service providers a cost-effective, carrier-class solution for Integrated Voice Response (IVR) applications.
The new platform aims at continuing the long-standing successful course of IVR VPS/is, offering a full suite of advanced self-service capabilities, delivered on field-proven hardware and software for world-class performance and reliability.
Through speech-enabled, self-service solutions, MPS 500 will allow businesses to engage their customers by providing personalized services on a 24/7 basis. It will also give Call Centers the ability to decrease operating costs by reducing call completion time, limiting the number of calls customer representatives handle, and increasing overall system operating efficiency.
MPS 500 will give customers a simple migration path to more advanced capabilities like Advanced Speech Technology and Voice over IP, providing a scalable and flexible solution to growing businesses. INTRACOM offers a broad range of software applications and services with MPS 500 that enhance the system?s functionality and supporting both the intuitive and graphical application development environment PeriProducer and the text-based mark-up language of Voice XML (VXML). INTRACOM and Nortel Networks offer the Greek market a reliable and robust solution, able to cater for every possible requirement for advanced equipment and services. MPS 500 will be widely available in September 2003.
Regarding the Greek market, INTRACOM has already installed numerous IVR systems and applications in large-scale telecom organizations, banks and private companies.
Apart from its vertical products addressed to specific market sectors, INTRACOM offers a wide range of integrated and modern IT solutions and products to cover the IT needs of companies in the Banking and Insurance business, in fields such as e-Business, Workflow/Output Management, Bill Payments, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Security Management & Vulnerability Assessment, etc.