New composition of the BoD
As of August 1 2006 and Mr. D. Chatzikokinos, business concultant, will replace Mrs T. Nezeriti for the remaining of the term of the Board of Directors. The election of the new BoD member will be approved in the next Shareholders' General Meeting (whether Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting). Following the above mentioned replacement the composition of the BoD of the Company is the following:
1. George Apostolopoulos, President - Executive Member
2. Christos Apostolopoulos, A' Vice President - Executive Member
3. Damianos Chatzikokinos, B' Vice President - Executive Member
4. Vassilis Apostolopoulos, CEO - Executive Member
5. Gregorios Skalkeas, Member - Non Executive
6. Sotiris Raptis, Member - Non Executive