New composition of the Board of Directors

Following the addition of two members of BoD elected as representatives of employees and the appointment of Mr. N. Chatziargyriou, Vice Chairman of the BoD, as executive member, the Board of Directors of PPC S.A. at its meeting held on March 13, 2007, constituted itself into a body, as follows:
1. Panagiotis (Takis) Athanasopoulos, (Chairman BoD / CEO - executive member).
2. Nikolaos Chatziargyriou, (Vice Chairman BoD - executive member).
3. Ioannis Giannidis (independent -non executive member).
4. Charalambos David (independent -non executive member).
5. Michael Cortessis (independent -non executive member).
6. Evaggelos Magirou (independent -non executive member).
7. George Marinidis (representative of employees - non executive member).
8. George Mergos (independent non executive member).
9. Constantine Michalos (independent -non executive member).
10. Ioannis Panagopoulos (representative of Economic and Social Committee- independent -non executive member).
11. Ioannis Tsarouchas (representative of employees - non executive member).
The members are elected for a term which expires on 8 January 2010, apart from the term of office of the Chairman BoD / CEO Mr. Panagiotis Athanasopoulos which expires on 30 January 2010 and the tern of office of the representatives of employees which expires on 25 February 2010.