- New Board of Directors with
- Mr. Soud Ba' alawy as Chairman and
- Mr. Andreas Vgenopoulos as Vice Chairman and CEO

It is announced that the General Meeting of the Shareholders of MARFIN F.G. has appointed today the new Board of Directors of the company as follows:

Soud Ba' alawy: Chairman
Andreas Vgenopoulos: Vice Chairman and CEO
Lefteris Hiliadakis: Executive Member
Efthimios Bouloutas: Executive Member
Udayan Bose: Executive Member
Sayanta Basu:Executive Member
Manolis Xanthakis: Non-Executive Member
Despina Theoharaki: Non-Executive Member
Abdulhakeem Kamkar: Non-Executive Member
Achilles Macris: Independent Non-Executive Member
Dionissios Malamatinas: Independent Non-Executive Member
Konstantinos Los:Independent Non-Executive Member
George Lassados: Independent Non-Executive Member

The General Meeting of the Shareholders has elected as members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Messrs: M. Xanthakis (Chairman) and D. Malamatinas, K. Los (members). Furthermore, Mr. M. Xanthakis will continue to supervise the corporate governance and the internal audit procedures of the Group. The Executive Committee of the Group will consist of Mr. A. Vgenopoulos (Chairman) and L. Hiliadakis, E. Bouloutas, Udayan Bose and Sayanta Basu (members). Finally, Mr. L. Hiliadakis will assume shortly the duties of CEO in Egnatia Bank and the responsibility for the execution of the consolidation of the affiliated banks whilst Mr. V. Keltsopoulos will offer his services as Consultant to the Management and member of the Strategic and Planning Committee of MARFIN F.G.