National Bank of Greece's Repeat General Meeting of Shareholders of 16 January 2006

National Bank of Greece announces that the Repeat General Meeting of its Shareholders was held on 16 January 2006 at Megaro Mela. Present at the Bank's General Meeting were shareholders representing a total of 73,085,708 shares, i.e. 21.71% of the Bank's paid up share capital. Accordingly, discussion on the agenda concerning resolution on the merger through absorption of National Real Estate S.A. by National Bank of Greece S.A. and the issues directly related to the said merger (approval of the Draft Merger Agreement and the relevant reports, cancellation of the absorbed National Real Estate S.A.'s shares owned by the absorbing National Bank of Greece, increase in the share capital of National Bank of Greece, amendment of Articles 3, 4 and 39 of National Bank of Greece's Articles of Association due to the said merger, approval of the BoD acts regarding the merger, authorization to the BoD for settlement of fractional rights, appointment of the Bank's representatives to execute the notarial contract of the merger, etc.) as well as the issue of Bond Loans up to euro 6,000,000,000 was postponed, due to lack of quorum required by law and the Articles of Association, for a second Repeat General Meeting to be held on Friday, 3 February 2006 at 12:00 noon at Eolou 93 (Megaro Mela), following the Board of Directors' decision. Similarly, resolution on the item of the agenda concerning the amendment of articles 22 and 23 of National Bank of Greece's Articles of Association (regarding the Bank's BoD and representation) was postponed for the second Repeat General Meeting, as above.