Modification of the regulations governing the Fixed Odds Betting Games

OPAP S.A. announced today that its Board of Directors, during its session on 2/8/05, decided the modification of the regulations governing the Fixed Odds Betting Games, and are referring to the following:

a) In the General Regulation of Operation of the Fixed Odds Betting Games.
b) In the Regulation referring to the Conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games "Results of Football Games".
c) In the Regulation referring to the Conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games "Results of sports events". and to its conversion in a corresponding regulation "Results of Sports or non Sports Events".
d) In the Regulation referring to the Conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games "Results of Basketball games".

The major modifications that were decided are the following:
a) The gradual entrance of the Greek professional football or basketball games in the forms of the program of the ?PAME STOIXIMA? game, under the terms and conditions that are defined in the regulation.
b) The establishment of new betting types, such as betting during the games (in-live betting) or betting for forecast of exceeding specific numbers- limits (under-over).
c) The establishment of the possibility betting in other sports as well as in non-sport events.

The proposed modifications were submitted today (4/8/05) in the competent Ministers of Economy & Finance and Culture (responsible for Sports issues), in order to review and approve them according to article 27 L.2843/2000.