Merger with acquisition of HELLENIC INVESTMENT COMPANY S.A.

The company announces the merger with acquisition of the company HELLENIC INVESTMENT COMPANY S.A. The terms of the aforementioned corporate action are as follows:

Each shareholder of HELLENIC INVESTMENT COMPANY S.A. exchanges one (1) common bearer share of nominal value 2.50 euro with 0.20746888 newly registered common, with voting right share of PIRAEUS BANK and of nominal value 4.77 euro that is 4.82 shares of HELLENIC INVESTMENT COMPANY S.A. will be exchanged with one (1) new share of PIRAEUS BANK. The ex-date will be announced shortly. After the completion of the merger the total share capital of the Bank will amount at 1,024,931,970.18 euro and will be divided in 214,870,434 shares of nominal value 4.77 euro each.