Issuance of a Common (non Convertible) Bonded Loan
For the investing public s information, please be advised that during the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the company''''s shareholders, held today at the seat of the company, at 9, Kyprou & Hydras Streets, Moschato, with the participation of 54 shareholders, who hold and represent a percentage of 53.69 % of the overall fully paid-up capital, the following were unanimously decided:
1. The issuance of a Common (non convertible) Bonded Loan, in conformity with the meaning of article 6, Law 3156/2003, which will provide the bond-holders with the right to receipt of interest, in order for the corporate purposes, including the working capital, the refinancing of both the company s current loan liabilities and its investment program, to be funded.
2. The loan ceiling and the overall nominal value of the outstanding bonds at each time shall not exceed the amount of Euro 125,000,000. The Loan shall be fully covered within the term during which the bonds issued should be distributed, given that the Organizing and Coordinating Bank shall have assumed the obligation to fully and entirely cover it.
3. The Company s Board of Directors was specially authorized to:
a. freely decide, at its discretion, and contract with the organizing and coordinating Bank for all documents, details and special issues with regard to the issuance of the Loan, its terms and its distribution to other interested credit institutions as well, and its cost and issuance expenses.
b. freely decide, at its discretion, and act as necessary for the issuance of the Loan on the above principal terms, and any others it deems beneficial and good for the company, and for every individual issue and detail of it.
4. The relevant actions of the company s Management up to date were approved.
1. The issuance of a Common (non convertible) Bonded Loan, in conformity with the meaning of article 6, Law 3156/2003, which will provide the bond-holders with the right to receipt of interest, in order for the corporate purposes, including the working capital, the refinancing of both the company s current loan liabilities and its investment program, to be funded.
2. The loan ceiling and the overall nominal value of the outstanding bonds at each time shall not exceed the amount of Euro 125,000,000. The Loan shall be fully covered within the term during which the bonds issued should be distributed, given that the Organizing and Coordinating Bank shall have assumed the obligation to fully and entirely cover it.
3. The Company s Board of Directors was specially authorized to:
a. freely decide, at its discretion, and contract with the organizing and coordinating Bank for all documents, details and special issues with regard to the issuance of the Loan, its terms and its distribution to other interested credit institutions as well, and its cost and issuance expenses.
b. freely decide, at its discretion, and act as necessary for the issuance of the Loan on the above principal terms, and any others it deems beneficial and good for the company, and for every individual issue and detail of it.
4. The relevant actions of the company s Management up to date were approved.