Issuance of Common Bond Loan with total nominal value amounting to 20,000,000 Euro

The Management of the Société Anonyme under the name FLEXOPACK SOCIETE ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY and the distinctive title FLEXOPACK S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Company), hereby announces that a Bond Coverage Contract of an amount of 20,000,000 Euro was signed pursuant to the provisions of Law 4548/2018 and Law 3156/2003, as currently in force, which Bond Loan was fully covered by the National Bank of Greece S.A., also designated as Payment Agent and Representative of the Bondholders.

The Company will use the Common Bond Loan for the full redemption and repayment of previous Common Bond Loans of 10,500,000 Euro, both of which were covered by the National Bank of Greece, and an amount of 9,500,000 Euro to cover the Company's needs for long-term working capital, in order to serve its corporate purposes and in particular its investment program.

Koropi, 18th November 2024