Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 25/10/2005.

The Board of Directors of Societe Anonyme Greek Organization of Football Prognostics, based at Peristeri - 62 Kifisou Ave. according to the Law and the statutes of the company, invites its shareholders to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 25/10/2005, at 12.00 at the company premises 62 Kifisou Ave. for the discussion and decision making of the following subjects of the agenda: 1. Statutes Amendment. Amendment and abolish of the articles:

-Amendment of Article 1- Constitution - Company Name -Amendment of Article 11- Management Body -Amendment of Article 12- Compilation and tenure of the Board of Directors -Amendment of Article 13- Composition of the Board of Directors -Amendment of Article 16- Quorum-Majority- Representation of members -Amendment of Article 31- Ordinary quorum and majority of the General Meeting -Amendment of Article 49- Implementation of Law 2190/1920 -Amendment of Article 52- OPAP S.A. Logo - Amendment of Article 53- Subordinate Board of Directors -Abolish of Article 54- Auditors of the first corporate period -Abolish of Article 55- Transitional competence of the CEO -Amendment of Article 56- Authorization.

2. Election of the members of the Board of Directors according to par. 2,3 and 4 of Article 14 of Law 3336/2005.

3. Election of independent non-executive members of the Board of Directors according to the provisions of Law 3016/2002.

4. Amendment of the contract of the CEO of the company.

5. Approval of modification of the contributions program of the company for the corporate period 1/1/2005 to 31/12/05 and initial approval of the contributions program for the corporate period 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006. 6. Other issues - Announcements -According to the Law and the Statutes of the company, all shareholders with at least one share have the right to participate and vote, either in person or by representative.

-All shareholders who wish to participate in the abovementioned General Meeting, should submit to the company cashier?s office (62 Kifisou Ave.-Peristeri) at least five days before the General Meeting, the following documents:

A. Those of the shareholders who possess dematerialized shares and have an operator (Bank, brokerage firm) should block their shares through their operator and submit the relevant certificate of stock blocking to the company, issued by the Central Securities Depository, in order to attend the General Meeting, along with documents of representation (if necessary).

B. Those of the shareholders who possess dematerialized shares and do not have an operator, but are listed in the special share account, operator of which is the Central Securities Depository, should block their shares directly through the Central Securities Depository and submit the abovementioned certificate to the company, along with documents of representation (if necessary). In the case of non-quorum, according to the Statutes, a new publication of the invitation will follow, with the exact date of the new Extraordinary General Meeting and the same issues of the agenda.