Invitation of the Extraordinary General Meeting

In accordance with the law and the Articles of Incorporation , the Board of Directors invites the shareholders of GREEK MARBLE INDUSTRY TECHNICAL AND TOURIST COMPANY IKTINOS HELLAS SA Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 February 2014 , Wednesday at 11:00 am the company's offices in Lykovrysis 7 - Metamorphosis for discussion and decision making For the following topic:

Subject : Coverage of own contribution to a reserve for an investment program based on the development law 4146/2013 .

Right to participate and vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting are those who appear as shareholders IKTINOS HELLAS SA in the records of the Dematerialised Securities managed by GREEK EXCHANGES SA ( Hellenic Exchanges ) , which held the Company's securities at the beginning of the fifth day ( record date : Friday, February 7, 2014 ) prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting. Proof of shareholder status is with the relevant written certification of " EHEA " or , alternatively , through direct electronic connection of the Company files with the " EHEA " . The relevant written or electronic certification regarding the shareholding capacity must be received by the Company no later than the third day prior to the meeting of the General Assembly . For the Company entitled to attend and vote at the General Assembly Only those who have shareholder status on the said record date . In case of non-compliance with the provisions of article 28a of Codified Law 2190/1920 , shareholders participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting only after permission.
Noted that the exercise of participation rights and voting does not require the commitment of shares or any other similar procedure , which limits the ability to sell and transfer shares in the interval between the record date and the date of the General Meeting.
Each shareholder may take part and vote in person or by proxy by signing the relevant authorization by appointing up to three ( 3) proxies . Legal entities may participate in the General Meeting by appointing up to three ( 3) persons . However , if a shareholder holds shares , which appear in more than one securities account , such limitation shall not prevent the shareholder from appointing separate proxies for the shares appearing in each Account in relation to the General Assembly . Representative acting on behalf of several shareholders may cast votes differently for each shareholder. The proxy holder must disclose to the Company, before the commencement of the General Meeting , any fact which may be useful to the shareholders in assessing the risk of the proxy serving interests other than the interests of the shareholder. For the purposes of this paragraph , may be a conflict of interests, especially when the proxy:
a) a shareholder who controls the Company or other legal entity or an entity controlled by such shareholder;
b ) is a member of the board of directors or of the administration of the company or shareholder controls the Company or other legal person or entity controlled by a shareholder who has control of the Company ,
c ) is an employee or an auditor of the company or shareholder controls the Company or other legal person or entity controlled by a shareholder who controls the Company ,
d ) a spouse or first-degree relative with one of the natural persons referred to in subparagraphs ( a) to ( c ) . The appointment and revocation of a proxy shall be in writing and filed with the Company in its headquarters or sent via fax (210 2818574), at least three ( 3) days before the date of the General Meeting . The Articles of Association do not provide for participation in the General Meeting by electronic means without the physical presence of the shareholders at the Meeting or the possibility of remote participation in voting .
With the request of shareholders representing one twentieth ( 1/20 ) of the paid up share capital, the Board of Directors shall include on the agenda of the General Meeting additional items , if the request is received by the Board until 28.1.2014 ie fifteen (15 ) days before the General Meeting. The request for the inclusion of additional items on the agenda shall be accompanied by a justification or a draft resolution to be adopted at the General Meeting and the revised agenda in the same manner as the previous agenda on 01.30.2014 , ie thirteen ( 13) days before the date of the General Meeting and will also be made available to shareholders at the Company's website , along with the justification or draft resolution tabled by shareholders as provided in Article 27 paragraph 3 of CL 2190/1920 .
With the request of shareholders representing one twentieth ( 1/20 ) of the paid up share capital, the Board shall make available to the shareholders in accordance with article 27 paragraph 3 of CL 2190/1920 , not later than 06/02/2014 , six ( 6) days before the date of the General Assembly draft resolutions for items included in the initial or revised agenda, if the request is received by the Board until 5.2.2014 ie seven ( 7) days before the date of the General Meeting.
Upon request of any shareholder to the Company until 07.02.2014 , ie five ( 5 ) days before the General Meeting, the Board of Directors is obliged to provide the General Assembly requested specific information regarding the affairs of the Company in extent that they are useful for the assessment of the items on the agenda. The Board may respond to requests of shareholders with the same content. Obligation to provide information does not apply when the information is already available on the Company's website , especially in the form of questions and answers.
At the request of shareholders representing one fifth ( 1/5 ) of the paid up share capital which is submitted to the Company until 02.07.2014 , ie five ( 5) full days before the General Meeting, the Board of Directors shall provide to the General Assembly information on the state of corporate affairs and financial condition of the Company .
In all the above mentioned cases the requesting shareholders must prove their shareholder status and the number of shares held by the exercise of the right . Such proof includes the attestation of the organization which keeps the securities or verification of shareholder status through direct electronic connection between the body and the Company.
The information and documents referred to in Article 27 paragraph 3 of CL 2190/1920 will be available in electronic form on the Company's website and in hard www.iktinos.gr the company's offices.