Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting

In accordance with the Law and the Articles of Association of the company and following the resolution of its Board of Directors, shareholders of the Societe Anonyme with the corporate name "HELLENIC ECHANGES HOLDING S.A." are hereby invited to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting of the company to be held on Tuesday 21st October at 16.30 hours in the main hall of the Athens Exchange at 10 Sofocleous st., Athens, in order to discuss and take decisions on the following items on the agenda:

1.Modification of the article 2 (Company purpose) of the Articles of Association

2.Modification of the article 8 (Management organs) of the Articles of Association

3.Election of the new Board of Directors according to the Law 3152/2003 and the articles of association

4.Election of the independent non executive members of the Board of Directors according with the Law 3016/2002, as amended

5.Various announcements