Investors Briefing

The President  & CEO of ThPA SA, Mr S. Aggeloudis presented today  23.03.2015 the financial results of 2014 to financial analysts.

        The company's turnover for 31/12/2014 amounted to 56,280,238€ from 51,560,096€ in 2013, increased by (9.15%), because of increased sales in all operational sectors sales of Container Terminal increased by 8.74%, Conventional port increased by 9.68%, while showed increases in sectors of Passengers Traffic12.99%  and Exploitation of spaces 9.50%.
In the 31/12/2014 the unitized cargo (containers) handled 349,990 containers (in TEU), increased by 8.59% from  the same period in 2013, increased by 12.16%   in general cargo and increased by 14.97% in  bulk cargo.
Total revenues increased by 4.71% from the same period in 2013, despite the reduction of financial income by 41.70% due to a significant drop in interest rates on invested assets of the company.
Total expenses decreased by 4.01% from the 31/12/2014, mainly by reducing the personnel wages and expenses by 7.86%.
Gross profit amounted to 27,977,902€ over 22,924,773€ in 2013 (+22,04%).
Earnings before taxes amounted to 28,388,514€ over 24,342,238€ 2013 (+16.62%), while after-tax results amounted to 21,300,404€ over 18,187,851€ (+17.11%) .
The operating profit (EBITDA) for the 31/12/2014 amounted to 29,424,347€ (+25.16).


Containers handled from January to February 2015 increased by 9,87%  in TEUs  against the same period of 2014 (from 47.610 to 52.310 TEUs)  and 6,95% in pieces (from 31.944 to 34.184). Conventional cargo throughput increased over the same time by 0,84% (from 614.424 tons to 619.606).