INTRALOT's first gaming system in the US market has launched its operation as Nebraska's State Lottery games run on INTRALOT's new on-line system.

INTRALOT's first gaming system in the US market has launched its operation as Nebraska's State Lottery games run on INTRALOT's new on-line system. The transition from the previous supplier's system to INTRALOT's system materialised successfully and is fully operational. It is emphasized that INTRALOT is the first non-US company that has installed an on-line system in a state lottery and penetrates this lucrative market.

The residents of Nebraska can play the lottery games Pick 5, 2by2 and Powerball (the inter-State LOTTO in the US) through 1,500 CORONIS terminals, which are connected with a dual central system (main and back-up) via a satellite network that runs the LOTOS software platform.

The new lottery system, in comparison to the previous one, allows faster coupon printing and provides more options to players like: repurchase of coupons with the same numbers, choice from a packet of coupons etc. The agents and the players of Nebraska welcomed with enthusiasm INTRALOT's new system, since CORONIS terminals are equipped with touch screens and provide multiple operations that facilitate the every day managing functions of the agents.

Please recall that INTRALOT signed the contract with the State Lottery of Nebraska after a tender and rigorous assessment of all the technical and operational specifications of the offered systems and the company?s financial condition. Moreover, INTRALOT?s subsidiaries and managers passed successfully through exhaustive audits concerning transparency, credibility and security. The contract duration is seven (7) years with a renewal option for two (2) years and concerns the supply, installation and operatio n of an integrated on-line system and the provision of consulting services in marketing and new game introduction.