INTRALOT announces its 1st Quarter 2006

INTRALOT SA today announces its financial results for the three-month period, ending March 31st, 2006, prepared in accordance with IFRS. INTRALOT achieved to sustain a high growth rate both in its revenues and profits, as follows: Consolidated Revenues for the period reached Euro 179.8m, posting a 75.1% increase compared to 1Q05. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) increased by 99.0% to Euro 71.8m, compared to the same period last year. Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) recorded an increase of 71.6% y-o-y by reaching Euro 65.6m compared to Euro 38.3m in 1Q05. Earnings After Taxes and after minorities (EAT-am) increased by 31.3% y-o-y to Euro 24.0m from Euro 18.3m in 1Q05. Total International Revenues for the Intralot Group amounted to Euro 137.0m, or 76.2% of total Group sales, compared with Euro 73.9m, or 72% of total Group sales in 1Q05. International operations contributed a total of Euro 47.6m or 72.5% to group EBT. Revenues for the parent company increased to Euro 41.3m in 1Q06, 59.6% higher y-o-y (1Q05: Euro 25.9m). Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) reached Euro 16.0m in 1Q06, posting a 27.5% y-o-y increase, while Earnings After Taxes (EAT) reached Euro 9.8m in 1Q06, posting a 43.3% y-o-y increase.

Commenting on 1Q06 results INTRALOT's CEO, Mr, Constantinos Antonopoulos, noted: "It is our strong belief that 2006 will be a very important year for INTRALOT in terms of continuing growth and expansion - which is already evident in our 1Q06 results which prove that the course of our company within the international market makes INTRALOT a leader. Our company's establishment on a global basis and the fact that we are a one-stop-shop for the needs of State Lotteries around the world are expected to continue driving our growth in the future in order to deliver value to all our clients, shareholders, collaborators and employees who trust us. Our commitment is to use this trust as the fuel in our effort for accomplishing new and more demanding business and social ventures". One of the year's highlights is that international operations have started to absorb the initial start-up costs and are delivering improved results (72,5% to group EBT for 1Q06), which is apparent in the rising profitability margins of 1Q06 and the company's full-year guidance for 2006. This fact is very important given that "Pame Stihima" in Greece has exhibited a very strong rebound as sales increased by 60,8%, after the successful changes implemented in cooperation with OPAP. Similar sports betting gam es have experienced strong growth in a number of countries where INTRALOT operates and are expected to gain even more ground due to the World Cup championship in Germany. Moreover, INTRALOT is expanding its presence in the significant Australasian region, which is considered to be key to the company's future growth. Due to the increased importance and the prospects of this region, INTRALOT has recently established 2 HUBs of operations in Australia and Hong Kong, and has recruited highly experienced executives from the industry to run our business in the region.