Information Memorandum following the acquisition of 100% of the shares of COSMOBULGARIA MOBILE EAD and OTE MTS Holding BV, which owns 100% of the shares of COSMOFON MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AD Skopje.
COSMOTE announces that following the acquisition of 100% of the shares of COSMOBULGARIA MOBILE EAD, mobile operator in Bulgaria, and OTE MTS Holding BV, Dutch holding company, which owns 100% of the shares of COSMOFON MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AD Skopje mobile operator in FYROM, it has released an Information Memorandum which was submitted to the Board of Directors of the Athens Stock Exchange for their review on 29.09.2005. The Information Memorandum is available for distribution at the Company's headquarters (44 Kifissias Ave., Maroussi, 15125, Greece) and it is also posted on the corporate website