Increase in KRIKRI SA Turnover by 27% is expected for 2003 towards 2002.
All the above, pinpointed by the President and CEO of KRI-KRI SA Μr. Panagiotis Tsinavos, during the Annual Icecream Conference of KRIKRI which took place last Saturday in Thessaloniki whith great success. During the whole meeting, it was presented a thorough last year review, while the current year targets has been set up as well , so much for the total activities of the company, as well as Icecream activity.
Among all others, it was mentioned that 2003 icecream sales demostrated an increase of 25,77% towards 2002, which was a big surpass over the initial company's target.
This significant increase of that specific field of activity, is due to the cooperation between KRI-KRI and MARS and ION, also due to the expansion of the sales network, due to the launch of new profitable products, due to export increase as well as due to other reasons. By Μρ. Tsinavos, the 2004 targets are intending proportionally.
During the Conference, six new ice cream products have been presented, which are going to be promoted to the market the current year. In particular, these products are:
- All Star Choco cone
- Master bites
- Dolce Vita Parfait (2lit)
- Dolce Vita with yogurt and forests fruit syrup (1lit)
- Bounty bar
- Bounty Exotic stick